
20 Unbelievable Facts About Space That Will Blow Your Mind

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There’s water floating in space!

As previously mentioned, Perseverance’s mission is to search for water on Mars, among other ‘tasks’. But what if I told you that astronomers actually found water in space? Yes, it’s true. It happened in 2011 when astronomers discovered water floating in space!

They’ve come across an enormous water vapor cloud at a 12 billion light-years distance from our planet. However, this water cloud is not new. In fact, it’s dating back to the times when the universe was 1.6 billion years old. Also, the water cloud is the largest water source ever discovered.

If you’re curious just how big it is, just imagine 140 trillion times the quantity of water present in Earth’s oceans. Its vastness is almost impossible to comprehend for our human brain. And what’s even cooler about this vapor cloud, is that it’s actually feeding a black hole.

According to EarthSky, the vapor cloud also contain enough gases, including carbon monoxide, which will help the black hole grow. It’s quite amazing but the black hole can grow six-time its current size.

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