20 Unbelievable Facts About Space That Will Blow Your Mind

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Neutron stars spin 43,000 times per second.

Neutron stars are born when massive stars explode. But even though they’re tiny parts of other bigger stars, they’re extremely dense. As data from Space.com has shown, one teaspoon worth of neutron stars weighs one billion tons, so how much would an entire star weigh then?

Each star is 12-and-a-half miles in diameter, so we can find out how much it actually weighs. But my head is going to explode by just thinking about it…so I’ll leave that task to you if you’re curious.

It’s also very cool that they have gravity that’s two billion times stronger than what we have here, on the planet we call home. But the most astonishing fact about these stars is the fact that they spin 43,000 times per second.

Their speed is caused by the explosion that gave them life, however, it often decreases over time.

Make sure to also check: A Massive Star Is Missing From a Distant Galaxy, And No One Knows Where It Went.

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