COVID can get even worse due to the U.K. strain.
The new variant from the U.K. is far more contagious than the original one, and experts believe it will be the dominant variant in a few months in the United States, and the whole world for that matter.
Also read: How To Deal With COVID Vaccine Side Effects, According To Doctors.
A recent report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed the new U.K. strain “has the potential to increase the U.S. pandemic trajectory in the coming months.”
With this in mind, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urges people to follow all the safety measures and take all the precautions, including wearing a face mask, social distancing, washing hands, and avoiding crowded, indoor places.
According to the CDC, in order for these measures to be effective, they need to be implemented rather sooner than later compared to the first coronavirus wave, and people need to take them very seriously this time.
Make sure to also check: You’re Most Likely To Contract Coronavirus If You’re This Age.
17 thoughts on “CDC Director Believes The “Worst Is Yet to Come” With COVID”
our gov fucked us again ,its its just soooo hard to beleave
why is is so hard to believe and they didn’t even use a condom
Looks like the school system failed you as well!
What he is really saying, as a representative in good standing of the Great Medical Cartel (GMC) is “we need more Ka-ching, ka-ching”.
As Eisenhower said in his Farewell Address to the Nation, [to paraphrase]: “Beware of the scientific-technological elite, constantly seeking taxpayer funded grants”.
I am a recently retired research biochemist in infectious diseases in Large Pharma, so I have no longer a dog in this hunt.
That paraphrase was totally incorrect. He spoke of the military industrial complex. Note even remotely on science and health. Our problem seems to be a reliance on religious snake oil and your comment is part of the poison.
Just because politicians, unelected bureaucrats and the CCP have been crying pandemic for all this time, that still doesn’t make this a pandemic. There’s no proof of a pandemic. There isn’t even an attempt by our government to provide a peer reviewed study to bolster their claim. Government(s) control the $$ and the messaging and the data and the media control the mics. Of course they act as one. Its just about controlling us. We get our lives and our freedoms back by voting them out of office in 2022. Do not believe anyone who tries to support any thread of this global fraud.
I mean, dead people isn’t proof enough? What more do you need. Not everyone’s out to get you.
The Dunning-Kruger effect has another Poster boy.
I just want to give you a “Thumbs Up”. No need for me to add anything…you covered it.
All he was was a Trump puppet who read from Trump’s script. He should have lost his medical license. As a retired MD, I suggest listening to the current CDC head and Dr. Fauci
Have you read “1984”by Orwell? It reads like Pelosi does DC. What may impress you is that in “1984” there is absolute coordination between the government, the press and entertainment. When “the word” goes out, everyone gets on that bandwagon with the same rhetoric and what ever was true before is “disappeared.”
Trump was the antidote to that. All Trump asked was that you wipe your own butt. Surprisingly, many people today don’t know how to do that.
The “worse is yet to come” means that this COVID is STILL political . . . even after states like Florida and South Dakota proved OTHERWISE. One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump and His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).
Florida hasn’t proven a damn thing except DeSantis is an idiot.
Really? How so?
I agree . He continues to kiss the asses of the senior population here. All about money and keeping Florida rich at the expense of everyone else.
You need to go away, along with the rest of your gullible compatriots (which, by the way, is not patriotism).
Could the problem be the fact the people’s bodies or not getting a work out and just setting around and that is causing the immune system to not be doing its job of combating and defeating the virus?