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3. Pants will help you float

If you are on a sinking ship, you fell overboard or you are in the water, but don’t know how to swim, it is time to take off your pants and save your own life.

Start by tying the pants’ legs together in a knot. After that, grab them by the waistline and pull them out of the water. Let the pants fill with air – until they will look like balloons – and put them over your head, just like you would do with a life jacket. Don’t forget to hold the waist of the pants closed, so that the air can stay trapped in.

4. Use a bra as a fake mask 

You already know that if you find yourself in a place where it’s full of smoke and fog, you have to stay as close to the floor as possible, so you won’t inhale as much toxic substance.

Your bra can be a huge helper in case of emergency, such as a fire. You can put it on your face, covering your nose and mouth. It will help you breath a little better, until you will find some help.

5. Unfreeze a car lock with a straw

Nobody likes when they can’t get into their cars due to the fact that the lock is completely frozen. Don’t worry, I have a great life hack for you. Get a straw and place it in the lock. Blow onto it a few times and the warm air will help unfreeze it. Now you can enjoy the ride.

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