The classic N95.
Anthony Fauci mentioned the N95 in an interview with David Ignatius, a columnist for The Washington Post, on Feb. 2. Ignatius asked Fauci why are N95 masks so hard to find, not referring specifically to the hospital use.
“Well, that’s a good point in that originally, when we were talking about masks, you didn’t want to take them out of the availability of the people who really needed them, namely the people who were being health care providers,” Fauci answered.
Additionally, the N95 masks are without any doubt the best and most efficient masks out there, Fauci added. It’s also the mask he wears every time he has to see a patient under conditions of containment.
According to the Mayo Clinic, N95 masks are more efficient and offer more protection than other mask types because they can filter the small and the large particles with 95 percent efficacy.
Also, as Fauci told in his interview, the N95 mask is so efficient due to the way it fits. He even said that whenever he uses a N95 mask for work, he asks someone to test the fit by simply placing a small tube underneath the rim in order to see if the air can pass through the barrier seal.
When you start breathing, you will see that the air will only come out when you breathe, while nothing is getting in, Fauci explained.
If you’re looking for alternatives for the N95 mask, read on to find out how efficient are the other types.
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