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Nightmares, fear, and alien encounters.

There’s has been a lot of research made into memory and alien abduction at Harvard University in order to shed light on several highly discussed topics.

Prof Susan Clancy conducted a study in 2002 where she gathered and compared three groups. Firstly, there was a group with conscious memories of an abduction, the second group was formed by people who believe they’ve been abducted even though they don’t remember anything about it, and last but not least, a group with no such claims.

The study’s findings revealed that those who had conscious memories of an abduction (the first group) were more likely to have false memories, while the third group was considered the least susceptible to false memories.

This study proves one more time how powerful our minds are. Additionally, the psychological human desire to believe in something might make you feel certain that it really happened.

Make sure to also check: Was The Moon Landing FAKE? 5 Debatable Theories America Still Believes.

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