
You Could Experience These Bizarre Side Effects After COVID Vaccination

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COVID-19 arm.

Hinda also mentioned another bizarre symptom, that manifests through a red, itchy, painful, swollen rash usually present in the arm where you’ve received the shot. COVID arm is most common in people who’ve gotten the Moderna vaccine, but it has also been found in people who’ve received other vaccines, such as Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson.

Therefore, some people have experienced this side effect a few days after vaccination, and it can last up to a week. It can be a little scary, as the rash can cover your entire hand, and it can also be very painful.

But there’s nothing to worry about because COVID arm is actually good news. As Charles Webb, MD, an allergist-immunologist in Boise, Idaho, shared with Idaho 6 News, this is not an unusual side-effect to the COVID-19 vaccine.

In fact, it’s a sign that your immune system is reacting to the ‘unknown’ substance that’s been injected with, by creating antibodies to fight it.

Make sure to also check: The Updated Vaccine Guidelines, According to the CDC.

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