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Dead bodies can still give birth!

This is probably the creepiest thing I’ve ever heard! Life is certainly not fair, and even pregnant women can fall victim to death. While giving birth is an incredible experience, “coffin births” are very unsettling, especially for those that have to handle the body.

These births are called “coffin births” because they usually take place in a coffin because the fetus gets pushed out after the pressure of gases building up over time. But in order for this to happen, the fetus needs to be positioned in exactly the right way.

While it’s true that these types of births used to occur more often before the existence of modern medicine, they can still occur today. And yes, it’s very sad and tragic for the pregnant women that do not get to give birth to their babies.

A South African woman shocked everyone at her funeral in 2018 when she gave birth in her coffin, after being dead for 10 days. Sadly, she was nine months pregnant when she lost her life, and everyone there did not expect to see that happening.

Read also: 7 CLASSIFIED Scientific Experiments That Will Terrify You.

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