Photo by Dragana Gordic from

What does the Delta Variant mean for our children?

Up until recently children and teens have been spared the worst of the pandemic. However, as stated above, there are more and more cases of the Delta variant being found in the young. Sadly, some of the cases are severe so the risks of serious harm have increased.

The fact that only a third of kids aged 12 to 15 in the US are fully vaccinated adds to the concerns of health professionals as, if the Delta variant continues to surge, we could see more troubling cases emerge with the youth of America. Pediatrician’s have also noted that they have seen a rise in cases of MIS-C, the inflammatory immune condition that occurs in some young people weeks after their infection. If they are eligible to get vaccinated, the best defense is to do so.

What about booster shots?…..

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1 thought on “What Does The Delta Variant Means For The Future?”

  1. Another article ignoring the natural immunity aspect. Delta is already the dominate Covid variant, milder, but more contagious. More attention to the downside of the covid shots please, which in my view, exceeds any advantages, especially to kids.

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