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Will I need a booster shot?

Although the vaccines are still showing effectiveness when it comes to minimizing the risk of serious infection or even death, there is evidence that the Delta variant is causing a decline in the effectiveness of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines.

And yes, you can still contract it, however, virus particles from delta-infected individuals are much less likely to be infectious if they’re emitted from fully vaccinated people. The biggest argument for getting a booster shot is not just to increase the effectiveness of your current vaccine, but to stop the overall spread of the virus.

Will it stop with Delta?…..

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1 thought on “What Does The Delta Variant Means For The Future?”

  1. Another article ignoring the natural immunity aspect. Delta is already the dominate Covid variant, milder, but more contagious. More attention to the downside of the covid shots please, which in my view, exceeds any advantages, especially to kids.

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